P1 energy

This tool allows you to view all of your consumption in order to optimize the settings of BMS or substations.
Thanks to this tool, your interaction is immediate. You lead and you no longer take the losses after the fact. This tool gives you an hourly energy balance of your building for your consumption of gas, fuel oil, domestic hot water, etc.
Technical specifications
- Operation : This tool is used through a customizable web interface.
- Constraint : It is necessary to have internet access with sufficient speed and a computer with enough RAM to allow rapid display of information.
- Utility : AI allowing, thanks to our algorithms, to visualize the consumption of the building with great precision.
- Technology : WHO / LoRawan / Sigfox
The advantages of the product
- Allows you to optimize your settings on your buildings in collective or industrial housing.
- The return on investment can be done in a few weeks. Our customers manage to save several thousand euros each year with this tool.
- If an occupant leaves windows open, heats too much, etc., you see it in real time.
- No more universal heating curve common to all buildings regardless of their years of construction and the materials they are made of.