
Data analysis and management processing interface.
Webview is a tool for managing several million pieces of information per day thanks to our algorithms. We can manage all types of fluids, generate as many alarms or alerts as necessary. Its technological mix allows it to cross a number of data from different wired, GPRS, radio, IOT tools. Requires internet access, this tool is completely secure, the data is encrypted, the servers are https servers and our VPN further strengthens all these security features. Our mirror servers avoid or are impervious to attacks. This customizable tool to the wishes of our customers allows to manage many data to compile them from, send them to other databases in x formats. Finally a powerful, practical and fast tool to access your information in the blink of an eye.
Download documentation
- LoraWAN
- Sigfox
Technical specifications
- Operation : OMS, LoRawan, Sigfox or any other source of data.
The advantages of the product
- Our servers are located in different countries around the world and work with large volumes of data
- Despite the millions of data in the databases, access is instantaneous.